04 May 2009

The Five Things About Me [That Shakti asked for!]

Hallo there everyone, I have some downtime before I get back into studying. So, I choose to write a long-awaited and long-owed entry.

My friend Shakti actually responded seriously to a note on my FB above five things that I should talk about on a blog entry. So, below is the list with her requests, verbatim! Thanks friend! :)

We talked really briefly about your interest in German and orchestral music, but I'd love for you to write about it here.

- German: My interest in this was practically late in adolescence. I was in orchestra classes from 2004 to 2006, while I attended Adelphi University, and in those classes there were German songs selected by singers. The professor/conductor (one and the same person!) would let us know about details about the song's background and language, which I found myself getting more curious about. Then, there was this classmate, a flautist named Sara, who was taking German at the time. She taught me and other orchestra mates how to say "excellent" [ausgezeichnet!], and we'd have our laughs about it because of the way we used it everywhere. After I transferred to Hunter College, I saw that I had to take a language for a requirement, and picked German because not only was it available on their list of offerings but it was something new that I wanted to try because of the past from Adelphi.

-Orchestral music: I was about five years old when I started listening to classical music, on the radio. Around third grade to fourth grade, I started taking piano lessons. I eventually stopped taking piano lessons but, courtesy of school, there was still the recorder (hahaha gotta start somewhere), chorus, and a year on the trombone. Eventually, during high school years, I got into playing the violin (though my initial interest was in the viola, that did not work out in my favor because my mother bought a violin from a Philippine store that did not carry violas). That was when I actually had a good time- all four years were musically-filled. In short, I'd have to say that this all started due to elementary school- there were many music-type of trips! Plus, as I got older, I'd have to say that the orchestra as a body of musicians working together is just plain attractive.

what sort of fiction do you write? amazingly, we haven't spoken about this!
I write whatever comes into my head, so I'm not really into one particular genre; but I can tell you that I cannot write military fiction, nor do I want to attempt to do it. I think I would generalize what I have finished in the past as modern fairy tales, in their own ways. I like making my own worlds in the stories. I think I would say that short stories are my thing for the past several years, though I've been working on a few novels whenever I have the chance. I hope this answered your question!

list your fandoms. ones you're in and ones you wanna be in. i would LOVELOVELOVE to eventually share one with you.
-Current Fandoms I'm in-
Scrubs (Up to Season 6!), Chuck (finishing up current season using the internet- please don't cancel this series, NBC!), Perfect Girl Evolution (The Wallflower, a manga), Koukou Debut (another manga), Studio Ghibli film offerings, Life on Mars, Dr. Who, Coupling, Charlaine Harris's Southern Vampire Mysteries (the books, not True Blood storylines)
-Fandoms I'd LOVE to be in! (lack of time, have not started yet, etc.) - Battlestar Galacti
ca, Hana Yori Dango Japanese live action, Goong live action

There's definitely more but I have to say that these are the ones on my mind lately. Always subject to change, right?


WHEW time to nap before prepping for German class! Posting again soon!

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