This year's NaNo was a bust for me, being stuck at 1,142 words, and having started days into November. Still, it was exciting to start FIFTEEN SOULS and I feel like I need to continue it! Now that I have my workstation in the house all set up nicely, I can take my progress seriously.
NaNo is a great thing to participate in, though, and I think next year I will definitely try again, hopefully with plans all up BEFORE the start. In the meantime, there's plenty of stories to work on, big and small. Besides FIFTEEN SOULS, I'm going to have to finish this short story that I started a while ago and then edit a couple of times, then try to submit it to some magazines. No clue where yet, but I want to finish it first, so I am trying not to get ahead of myself.
I know a woman who is working on her novel so earnestly that she decided to deactivate her Facebook so that it doesn't distract her. I'm taking a few leaves out of her book- I'll be sitting out of Skype and AIM for now, then later on from Facebook Chat. I'll leave my account up, since there are days where I don't even check my profile and I don't mind it at all.
In other news, I've had this migraine for two days now, and I'm wondering, when will it go away? But, it's funny that I have it right now, since FIFTEEN SOULS starts with a migraine within the story. Go figure.